Monday, May 13, 2013


Today in class we came up with questions for the test:
1.) In 284 what did diocletion's reform do to the army?
it increased the army size to 400,000
2.) The new government under diocletion had how many officials 
3.) How many of the Roman people in the year 300 were christian
several million
4.) who did christianity appeal to?
poor and disenfranchised 
5.) when did diocletian rule?
6.) what language is pax romana in?
7.) after obtaining power Octavian was given what title?
Augustus, father of the fatherland
8.) What did the edict of the milan do?
issued by constantine, ended persecution
9.) what were three problems in the roman empire?
epidemic disease, not able to defend against barbarians, emperors lost power, maintaining armies was expensive

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