Monday, May 6, 2013


Today we took a test and began reading a new chapter afterwards, here are the notes I took:
  • Jesus lived during the period of Jewish conflict up until the destruction of the temple in a.d. 70 
  • His life was recorded in the gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John
  • came not only to deliver the jews, but to fulfill the whole human race
  • When he comes again he said he would judge the righteous and the sinners
  • Claimed he was both human and divine
  • The priests arrested Jesus and had him crucified
  • he rose from the dead and sent out his apostles to fulfill his command
  • Jesus' followers began to question what they were supposed to be teaching
  • Paul of tarsus once was against Jesus and was a persecutor of christians
  • later he had a passionate vision and converted
  • Some of his letters were written between A.D. 50 and A.D. 60
  • Greek was the international language of Jews and gentiles 
  • Within the first churches their was no structured authority
  • held church in homes 
  • consisted of baptisms and the Eucharist
  • The believers of Christ tried to find a way to balance their world with the coming kingdom of heaven 
  • Paul was most likely beheaded in A.D. 60
  • majority of new believers were gentiles
  • Divided into the Christians, Jews, and gentiles
  • Churches began to appoint bishops and priests to lead teachings and worship
  • the laity were the christian community
  • clergy were the priests and other chuch leaders
  • The writings about Jesus along with Paul's letters became known as the New Testament 

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