Tuesday, May 21, 2013


feudalism describes the governmental system and the relationship between landowners and warriors. Knights pledged allegiance and the Lord would give him land. The land given to the knight was called a fief (feudal compact). Knight was required to pay homage. If a knight dies, the land would revert to his son and the lord would take care of him if he was under-aged. Some clergy served as knights. Barons were lord of large territories who usually paid homage to a king. Baron's army could outnumber the king. Medieval society was divided into three estates the clergy, nobility, and the common people. Peasantry farmed on farms known as manors owned by lords or ladies. Iron plows were invented and water-powered grinding mills helped with agriculture. Three field system was used to not over-use land. Ladies ran house-hold operations, oversaw servants, entertained guests, etc. Most peasants were serfs. Serfs were bound to to the land. Most medieval towns and villages were surrounded by walls. Outside wall was suburbs. Town were dominated by church and a central market place. wealthiest families also lived in center of town. Townspeople had their own hierchy. Merchants at top, then skilled craftsmen and artisans, then skilled laborers and apprentices. guilds participated in religious feasts and festivals. Craftsmen were classified as masters.

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