Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Diocletian ruled from 284-303. He persecuted Christians  Army expanded to 400,00 people.20,00 officials. Constantine riles from 306-337. Converted to Christianity when he had a vision of a cross in the sky. 313 his edict of Milan ended the persecution of christian. he then built a new capitol in the east. Byzantium soon to be known as Constantinople. Life in the fourth century(peasants): country dwellers became bankrupt due to many taxes. New farming system: peasants worked for elite landlords on large farms. When avoiding taxes they are getting hit just as hard by landlords. The landlords payed off debts making the "allowed" to live in the land in exchange for work. Christianity was becoming more established. Foreshadowed feudalism. Romes power was decreasing and the barbarians were running the frontiers and gaining power. Divided into the west and the east. money was in the East. Huns migrated from China to western Europe. Visigoths take over Spain. vandals control Carthage. Ostrogoths in Italy. franks in Gaul. angles and Saxons in Britain. CE stands for the common era. 500 B.C. monarchy was abolished.450 B.C. twelve tabled established. 44 B.C. end of Julius Caesar. Pax Romana (27-180). Romulus Augustulus was the last emperor and was 15.

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