Friday, May 24, 2013


this is what we did in class today:
Feudalism-  the legal and social system that evolved in W Europe in the 8th and 9th centuries, in which vassals were protected and maintained by their lords, usually through the granting of fiefs, and were required to serve under them in war(relationship between landowners and warriors)
feudal compact- the agreement between the knight and lord in which the knight inherits a fief for pledging allegiance to the lord
fief- land granted to knights by the lords
vassal- servant of a lord who pledges loyalty
knight- one who pledges allegiance to a lord and defends his land
homage- the gratitude a knight pays to his lord
serf- a laborer of the land(bottom of social ladder)
baron-lord of a large territory who pays homage t o a king
peasantry- those who farmed the land of manors owned by the lords
estates- clergy, nobility, common people
manor-land owned by the lords
three-field-system- a system practiced in order to not over-use land by switching between three fields
internal colonization- cultivating and settling previously uninhabited land
suburb- the land outside of the wall
guild- a group of people who practiced a job
master- the highest ranking artisans of a practice
journeyman- the rank in a guild that gets payed to do their work but is not yet a master
apprentice- an artisan level below journeyman
masterpiece- a piece created by an journeyman approved by a master making him a master
water mill- a water powered mill that grinds flower or wheat
and yes, iron plow-were invented and water-powered grinding mills helped with agriculture

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